Performance Lynx Barrel - 0.495" x 30cm

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Will be in stock after

200fps Tournament Lynx Build Guide:

0.495” x 30cm Barrel: The tight barrels help improve consistency with different darts, especially modern worker darts that are getting skinnier. The shorter barrel also helps with consistency, most Lynxes are overbarreled, so if a little air leaks out then the dart doesn't have enough air and you get a flubbed shot. A 30cm barrel works as long as you use a skinny SCAR or PCAR that fits inside the pump. Muzzle strikes are not actually a problem.

PinkDragonTuning Lynx Tuning Kit and K18 spring: Being able to fine tune the FPS of your blaster on the day of the tournament is key

Thanhtacles RIPCAR: SLA PCAR, available soon from Out of Darts. Thanh says that in his testing, PCARs are more accurate than string SCARs and BCARs, and the RIPCAR gets higher fps and is more forgiving of variation in dart diameter than other PCARs. And string SCARs have the potential to have the strings catch on the Lynx pump and snap the strings

Heavy Darts: The extra weight makes heavy darts fly farther and straighter